Effective Tips to Manage Multiple Medications a Day


As we age, we are more likely to take more than one medication per day. And sometimes, these medications are different each day thus, making it hard to remember what medicine to take at what time and at how many doses. But with these strategies, you can master the art of managing multiple medications as a senior.

Keep a list of all your current medications including your supplements and OTC drugs. It can be on your phone, computer, or in your notebook. Label each one with the time and day you have to take them, the dosage, as well as any specific instructions from your doctor. You may also list down the side effects you need to watch out for.

As much as possible, get your refills at a single pharmacy. You can apply for an automatic refill service so you won’t run out. It will be easier to track what you need and your pharmacist can have complete knowledge of all your medications and any potential drug interactions.

You can seek the services of a certified nursing aide. You can choose to spend your retirement years in a senior facility or rehabilitation center to ensure that your needs are provided. You won’t have to worry about anything because they will make sure you eat healthy meals, take your meds on time, and give you your daily dose of recreational activities.

Are you looking for long term care & short term rehabilitation in Oswego, New York? Then you can count on Pontiac Care and Rehabilitation Center.

We are a rehabilitation center that aims to provide a place where people can receive quality, specialized care 24/7.

For the best provider of psychological services in New York, feel free to get in touch with us.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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